Saturday, February 13, 2010


Can we just take a second and talk about how awesome the Winter Olympics are?! I'll be the first to admit that I am not a big sports fan. I love me some hockey, but please do not ever make me sit through a football, or basketball game. Or even worse, baseball. Bleghhhh. However, when the Olympics come around I am down to watch just about anything. I have found out that that is a complete hereditary disorder. My mom is more obsessed than I am, and her mom was more obsessed than she was. But really, what is there not to like about the olympics? There is something for everyone!

The Opening Ceremonies were last night and they did not disappoint. They were so longgggggggggggggg but totally worth it. My favorite part is always the parade of athletes. Its fun trying to pick out people you're rooting for or just recognize.

How fantasic was the Czech team's pants. OMG. Jagr looks hilarious. I've missed that crazy man since he left the NHL.

And of course Gretzky had to be one of the ones to light the cauldron. He looked so nervous the whole time. It was adorable. God he is awesome.

I'm very sad that I don't have cable anymore and will be missing most if not all of the hockey games. I'm so glad that 5 of the Sabres get to represent their teams and I hope one of them brings home the gold *coughRYANMILLERTEAMUSAcough*. Although even with my deep seated hatred of Sidney Crosby, Team Canada winning the gold in Vancouver would be so important for the country and would be awesome to watch.

I'm contemplating staying at my parents' longer just so I can have more access to the Olympics. Sad? Probably.

Any highlights you particularly enjoyed thus far? Any particular event/people you're looking forward to seeing?

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