Sunday, July 4, 2010

So somehow we managed to get through the first week in mostly a whole piece. Other than a rampant virus that ran through camp, a runaway horse, and a small termite infestation, things ran pretty smoothly. There were definitely issues though, as to be expected. I hope that everyone just had first week jitters and they just had to run its course. We're on day 2 of week 2, and so far so good this week.

Can we discuss for a second this ridiculous heat wave? I'm all for summer, in fact I LOVE summer. However, I am not all for the fact that we don't have any air conditioning, barely have enough fans, and that it is over 90 degrees under the pines. It's probably over 100 just in my office. We all have stopped using our overhead lights because it is too hot. We had to cancel regular afternoon activities today because it was going to get so bad out. So we're having a wet and wild afternoon of fun. Well, the campers and counselors are. I am not.

So as a way to get out of the heat last night, a couple friends and I went to the movies. Not too many good movies are out right now, but they really wanted to see Eclipse. So I went. That movie is seriously cinematic gold. I haven't laughed so hard at a movie since Twilight...oh wait. In all honestly, I never thought that Kristen Stewart's acting would improve, but I was proved wrong. It's still not good, but someone finally got the girl some lessons. I thank you, whoever you may be. The big fight scene could be one of the best parts of a film ever. People were losing hands, legs, skulls, etc. In fact they were getting shattered. Hysterical. To be honest, the thing that I hate most about Twilight (both the book series and the movies) is that it seriously gives young, impressionable girls the wrong idea about love, relationships, sex, everything. I'm all for having different beliefs (Stephanie Meyer - it's cool you're a Mormon!) but it's completely unnecessary to force it down the throats of the kids that are in essence paying your bills. That's why I really didn't have a problem with Harry Potter because even though they may not be quality reading material, it gets kids to read! And read things that are interesting and fun and don't touch on controlling, boyfriends who sparkle in the sunlight.

That said, I cannot wait to see what they do with the whole fetus thing at the end of the series. Just brilliant.

Lots to come in the next few weeks. My first proper day off is on Thursday! Even though it's a 24 hour period that is going to consist of almost 9 hours of driving and probably 7 of sleeping, I cannot wait for it. I'm going to be driving to my sister's house which is about 1.5 hours from camp, getting ready and then hopping back in the car with her to drive to Boston, MA (about 3 hours) to see Meatloaf in concert! Then driving back around 11 or 12am, and then get some sleep. I don't have to be back to camp until 1 pm on Friday which is awesome. Then on Friday night after work, I'm going to Portland, ME with a friend (or 2) from camp to meet my sister and her friend to see CARY BROTHERS in concert. I can't wait! I've been wanting to see him for years and it's finally happening. In a small venue too. Going to be amazing.

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